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Erica Anderson

Tennessee Tops Manager

2021 Tests

June 12 & July 24

Believe Gymnastics
7995 Stage Hills Blvd
Bartlett, TN 38133

*Registration and payment through USA Gymnastics reservation.

TOPs Program Overview

TOPS (Talent Opportunity Program), is a talent search and educational program for female gymnasts ages 7-10 and their coaches. During the months of June and July gymnasts age 7-10 are evaluated on physical abilities at the state or regional level. These dates are set by your TOPS State Manager in conjunction with USA Gymnastics.

From there, athletes are invited to participate in the National TOPS test that is conducted in the month of October. Gymnasts will be evaluated on the same physical abilities tests along with some basic gymnastics skills. Athletes are then invited to participate in the National TOPS Training Camp which takes place in December of each year. Additional information can be found in the links in the left menu.

Questions, please contact Annie Heffernon, Vice President, Women’s Program at

Skills – TOPs Testing Videos

These videos have not been updated to the 2019 TOPs National Testing Skills Please refer to the new 2019 TOPs National Testing Skills Text and Illustrations

These videos are only a GUIDELINE. The OFFICIAL interpretation of the routines is the TEXT.

State Testing

National Testing